Riverine Community Resilience Challenge | RISE Resilience Innovations
Riverine town in Western Virginia

2024 Riverine Community Resilience Challenge

$1 million for disaster protection innovations in Southwest Virginia

Rising storm frequency and intensity are putting communities nestled near rivers and streams at an increased risk of unique flood threats that can change lives in an instant. We’re seeking innovative solutions that support comprehensive pre- and post-disaster protection against these swift flood threats across the Southwest region of Virginia.

Meet the Winners

We asked innovators to develop advanced flood warning systems and community-driven insurance solutions to protect vulnerable communities. They quickly rose to the challenge. These winners will receive up to $375,000 to pilot their cutting-edge ideas in the living-labratory of Southwest Virginia through 2025. Beyond financial support, RISE is providing Challenge winners technical, government and business mentoring, investor matchmaking, customized accelerator programs and more.


Floodbase / Raincoat

Leveraging Floodbase’s deep learning framework and Raincoat’s parametric insurance solution, they will develop a community-based insurance program. This program sets measurable, data-driven thresholds to trigger immediate riverine flood payouts, providing crucial financial support to vulnerable households and businesses in Southwest Virginia.

FloodMapp / The Warn Room / Green Stream

A comprehensive, localized flood warning system that integrates real-time flood mapping technology, hydrologic gauging from Green Stream, and expert emergency advice from The Warn Room. Their solution delivers accurate and timely flood warnings to communities in Southwest Virginia.
FloodMappThe Warn RoomGreen Stream

InnSure / HR&A Advisors / Stantec

These partners are creating a Total Cost of Risk (TCOR) Simulator for riverine flooding-related risks. This minimum viable product is designed to model and mitigate flood risks, enhancing preparedness and resilience for a pilot community in Southwest Virginia.
InnSureHR&A AdvisorsStantec

Merak Labs / PRAM

Their solution enhances flood monitoring and early warning systems with resilience and impact analytics, providing actionable information to manage flood risks effectively to empower communities and responders.
Merak LabsPRAM

Ric Platform Services

Ric provides a transformative approach to flood insurance, emphasizing affordability, rapid response, and community resilience.
Ric Platform Services
The Challenge

Be the solution for vulnerable flood-prone riverine communities

On August 30, 2021, the remnants of Hurricane Ida dropped 7 inches of rain in the small Southwest Virginia community of Hurley. The consequences were severe, including a flood that destroyed 19 homes, severely damaged 24 more, and tragically took one life. Less than a year later, similar circumstances struck Virginia’s Whitewood and Pilgrims Knob communities. Twenty-one homes were destroyed and 25 damaged, but fortunately, no lives were lost. Yet in both cases, FEMA did not provide individual homeowner assistance, and few affected residents received insurance payouts.

With its rich biodiversity and socio-economic fabric, Southwest Virginia offers a unique testbed for developing, testing, and refining innovative solutions that enhance environmental adaptability. Innovators have a rare opportunity to validate their technologies in real-world conditions, ensuring their solutions are both effective and scalable across different ecosystems and cultures. This living laboratory allows you to turn today's threats into tomorrow's sustainable opportunities, fostering a replicable model of adaptation.

Bridge over a river outside of a city in Western Virginia

From 2000-2018 water-related disasters led to 326,000+ fatalities & economic losses over $1.7 trillion.

Challenge Topics

The RISE Riverine Community Resilience Challenge aims to source innovative solutions across the entire Southwest region of Virginia, including areas within LENOWISCO PDC, Cumberland Plateau PDC, Mount Rogers PDC, and the New River Valley Regional Commission. See our Challenge Topic Areas to learn more, and our Applicant Guidelines for more detailed information.

Topic Areas

Flood Event Early Warning and Avoidance
Landscape and Building Adaptation
Community Insurance Program

Weekly Challenge Webinars

Learn more about the application process and hear from industry experts!

April 4 | 1pm

Overview of the Challenge, topic areas, and insights on how to apply.

Paul Robinson, Executive Director, RISE

Join us for an overview of the Riverine Challenge, topic areas and insights on the application process.

Watch Now →
April 11 | 1pm

Beyond the Banks: Emergency Management Flood Response Strategies in Rural Riverine Communities

Jessica Swinney, GISP, Emergency Management Coordinator, Wise County

Thinking about applying for the RISE Riverine Community Resilience Challenge? Start here with this informational video in which RISE Executive Director Paul Robinson and Wise County GISP Jessica Swinney discuss challenges facing SW Virginia.

Watch Now →
April 18 | 1pm

Riverine Community Resilience Challenge Webinar Three

Scotty Wampler, Executive Director, Cumberland Plateau PDC & Kevin Kochersberger, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech

Thinking about applying for the RISE Riverine Community Resilience Challenge? Start here with this informational video in which RISE Executive Director Paul Robinson, along with guests Scotty Wampler, Executive Director of the Cumberland Plateau PDC and Prof. Kevin Kochersberger of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech,discuss challenges facing SW Virginia.

Watch Now →
April 25 | 1pm

Riverine Community Resilience Challenge Webinar Four

Francis Bouchard, Managing Director, Climate, Marsh McLennan & Paul Robinson, Executive Director, RISE

A discussion of the current and future possibilities of insurance protection in rural riverine communities

Watch Now →
2024 Riverine Community Resilience Challenge


  • You have to be a business entity.
  • Your business has to be able to deploy your solution in Southwest Virginia, either by yourselves or by hiring a local partner.
  • Your solution has to be at the prototype stage or later.
  • If you are selected as a finalist, you will be required to submit additional documentation, including technical details of your solution and a work plan.
  • Finalists will be required to register with the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC).


Resilience Innovation Fund
Applicants can apply for up to $300,000 in non-equity funding. Teams of businesses can submit integrated solutions and may receive up to $750,000.
Resilience Innovation Accelerator
The Selection Committee may recommend making the award (or a portion of it) contingent upon refinement of a business plan and/or work plan. In such case, the winners may be required to participate in a Resilience Innovation Accelerator. Each winner will receive up to $10,000 for their participation.
Resilience Innovation Hub & Testbed
In addition to funding, the winners will also gain access to a suite of benefits including:
  • Real-world pilot sites in Southwest Virginia
  • Feedback from government pilot hosts
  • Government, technical, and business mentors
  • Regulatory assistance with permits and government funding
  • PR opportunities and media visibility
  • Introductions to potential investors and customers
  • The only ecosystem of coastal resilience entrepreneurs in the U.S.


* All dates are subject to change

Challenge Launch
March 29
Informational webinars
April 4, 11, 18 and 25 — 1PM EST
Application submission deadline
May 6 — 2PM EST
Alert Finalists
May 10
Deadline to submit additional documentation
May 20
Winners Announced
Late June
Frequently Asked Questions